Servymex, S.L. - Screw compressors

550 - 1500

Compressesors of air: filtered of the air of aspiración of high efficiency

Picture of Compressesors of air
The range Rollair 550 - 1500 of compressesors of air uses a filter of entrance with elimination of particles of until 2 micras. The big surface of the element guarantees a long life of service and a minimum loss of load. To improve the quality of the entrance of air, there is available the filtered of the air of aspiración of high efficiency, and the signpost of leak reinforced of high performance. In the version with integrated cheese cheese dryer, the humidity of the air compressesed deletes entirely thanks to a dryer frigorífico.

The system of separation of oil guarantees that the air compressesed contain less than 3 ppm of oil. Only it is necessary to withdraw two panels. A refrigerador of aluminium sobredimensionado combined of air/air and air/oil with a big surface of exchange, to attain the maximum capacity of refrigeration.

This guarantees a low temperature of the air supplied and a correct temperature of the oil lubricante, improving the life of service and the performance of the components.

With 5 panels of steel insonorizados painted with painting epóxica, include fan of low audible level with aerodynamic sails of polipropileno that, situated in the axis of the engine, drives the flow of air directly around the engine and through the refrigerador. Account also with a group of polea and belt and the transmission has been created so that it allow the alineación automatic of the belts and poleas.