Iberfluid Instruments, S.A. - Other industrial weighing systems


Compact amplifier of weighing: for zone Atex

Picture of Compact amplifier of weighing
Iberfluid instruments Presents one of the most compact solutions inside the amplifiers of weighing existent in the market. The novelty of the model manufactured by his represented Mantracutting, is the possibility to be installed in areas with risk of explosion that require certification for Zone 0.

The amplifier WING5, is designed to be connected directly to the cell of load or any another type of transductor that use galgas extensométricas like element sensor. The team of design is very compact and of reduced dimensions with 28 mm of diameter and 56 mm of long (96 mm if they include the prensaestopas of connection). His execution in stainless steel the confers a high resistance and allows his installation in aggressive environingingments.

With one no linealidad of the 0,02 % and a stability of zero of 0,001% / °C, the amplifier WING5 can be used in any application that require a reliable team and of high repeteabilidad. It has of a signal of exit 4-20 mA (2 threads) fed in a rank of 9 to 28 Vcc and temperatures of work from -40 to 85 °C. The exit is protected against reverse polarities.

For his location in classified area, the amplifier has to be associated to an aislador galvanic of analog signal (D1014S of the signature GM International, for example) installed in safe area. His certification ATEX II G EEx ia IIC T4, allows to install the team in Zones 0, 1 and 2.

The WING5 is designed especially for manufacturers of machines, platforms, equipment of packaging and all those installations where require a compact solution, without display and with a competitive cost.