Böllhoff, S.A. - Clinching machines

Rivclinch 0201 FS

Clinchado oleoneumático: small, light and practical

Picture of Clinchado oleoneumático
The machine of clinchado oleoneumática 0201 FS stands out by his light weight, his manejabilidad, his rapidity and his strength. This manual machine uses for fixations in the edges of the sheets like alternative to the welding by point and to the remachado. His light weight and his rapidity allow to join pieces of big dimensions with a level of exceptional productivity. Given the absence of rivets or costly electrical installations, the investment is reduced and the expenses of operation, very low.

His strength of union of 25 kN, joined to the new games of useful ultracompactos for pieces with different thicknesses of sheet, guarantees unions very resistant. The ease of his regulation facilitates the utilisation of the same machine for different applications. It allows to realise points of clinchado round or rectangular.