Aplicaciones de Bombeo Industrial, S.L. (ABIN) - Fire fighting equipment

Brendon BFF30KPE (+ES)

Cisternas Special: it launches nebulizadora contraincendios fed by petrol

Picture of Cisternas Special
Unit nebulizadora contraincendios fed by petrol. It has a deposit of water of 940 l with deflectors and deposit of integral foam of 43tr with system of injection dosificado.

It has of carrete of hose under high pressesure and nozzle and launches of espumógeno. It launches nebulizadora contraincendios, includes nozzles.

Ideal for zones of factories, works of difficult access, burns of stubbles controlled, management of real-estate properties, activities in outsides, etc.

His suitable separation of the floor allows that it can employ in difficult terrains.