RC Microelectrónica, S.L. - Power capacitors

Serie FFLI

Average power capacitors: for filtering applications DC

Picture of Average power capacitors
Thanks to its characteristic of self controlled healing they are more reliable than other capacitors MKP of power or half power, because capacitor adds to its ability to repair itself (self healing) the property void non-repairable sectors until the capacitor short-circuit. This concept is very important in power applications, since it avoids the effect avalanche and the possible destruction of the capacitor in case of elevated mode fault currents.To the previous features, MKP technology adds advantages compared to the electrolyte as its larger peaks of tension, their greater stamina to fast downloads, its current of larger work, the possibility of working in reverse to the not be polarized, the fact that will withstand more temperature or dry construction, unlike the electrolytic acid possessing.P adds advantages compared to the electrolyte as its greater ability to surge voltage, their greater stamina to fast downloads, its current of larger work, the possibility of working in reverse to the not be polarized, the fact that will withstand more temperature or dry construction, unlike the electrolytic acid which possess.

This series is presented with standard models ranging from 100uF 3. 000uF on voltages 800Vdc 1. 400Vdc. There is also the possibility of measurement values.