Lorentano, S.L. - Pneumatic atomisers

Lorentano Futuring

Atomizador With chassis of steel: with double mezclador hydraulics

Picture of Atomizador With chassis of steel
Lorentano Manufactures and commercialises the atomizador model Futuring with capacity of 600, 1.000, 1.500, 2.000 and 3.000 l. It has of a group multiplicador of two speeds that's that dead, in addition to a mezclador hydraulics with pressesure more return. The tank is of polyester of high density acollado to the chassis by means of protective rubber. It has filters in the entrance of tank, in the entrance of bomb, in the frame of pressesure and in the entrances of each arch. The distributor is Bymatic of three roads and pressesure. The chassis is of steel bent in cold, compact and robust. The foot of support comes instrumented with wheel giratoria. It has of a finder of litres in the lateral and frontal part of the tank by means of one throws transparent.

The model Futuring, that includes a subdepósito of 15 l for the sanitary ware cleaning, characterises by a fan of 760 or 820 mm, according to the litraje, with eight shovels of aluminium regulables and orientables. It has a diffuser of air with double exit and an embrague homocinético. It explains 12 or 14 pulverizadores orientables, regulables and reversible, with plate of ceramics in an alone side and low volume in the another. Besides, it has a marker of litres by transparent tube in the leading part of the tank. It has of lights, intermittent, stop and matrícula.