Daisa Technologic, S.L. - Extraction and filtration installations

Losma Gemini

Aspirador: for spaces reduced

Picture of Aspirador
The aspirador Gemini of Losma, represented by Daisa Ecologic, is especially indicated for the pre and the posfiltrado of mists aceitosas, micro-mists, sequipment and smokes in spaces reduced.

Thanks to his reduced dimensions and to

his square form, Gemini adapts perfectly to the streamlinings of different machines. It is provisto of a prefiltro metallic, one synthetic and an ulterior filter of personalised performance.

Gemini Guarantees the efficiency of filtered

from 95% to more than 99,95%. Choosing

between the different combinations of filters

can obtain different results.

The version S, M and the version L offer

respectively discharges from

600 to 2000 m3/h, in spaces reduced.

Can add the posfiltro of active

coals for applications that present

smells and broadcasts IPA. For an absolute leak can add the posfiltro H13, and to delete smokes, a kit-electrostatic filter.