Iberclean, S.A. - Extraction arms

Alsident Sistema 75 PP

Arm articulated extractor: resistant to chemical products

Picture of Arm articulated extractor
The arm extractor of the System 75 PP of Alsident, that commercialises Iberclean, S.A., with the pipes and boards of polipropileno, is highly resistant to the chemical products. It is very adapted to work with aggressive substances and in physical contact with the process of manufacturing.

They offer a volume of air of until 180 m3/h and can install in places devoted to the investigation, development or production.

The polipropileno turns it into ideal for surroundings in which the harmful substances represent a risk for the workers and the materials.

With structure autoportante, is very easy to install and use. They include a regulatory valve for the option of installation in table wall or ceiling, according to the use to that allocate the arm.

They supply in matt white finishing and with bell of 350 mm of diameter, tube extractor or square bell of 420 x 320 mm. Optionally it can have rejilla protective.