Redex Spain, S.L. - Sprocket wheels

Redex DualDrive

Accionamiento piñón-Zip: of big rigidity and without game between the 2 piñones of exit

Picture of Accionamiento piñón-Zip
The system of accionamiento piñón-zip DualDrive of Redex distinguishes by two essential characteristics. In the first place, it offers an exceptional rigidity thanks to the design optimised of his supports of exit reinforced and of his piñones of exit of tree solidario (cut with a high precision in the mass of the tree of exit). This allows to the accionamientos DualDrive offer no only characteristic of flexión torsional of the best level but also an extreme rigidity in all the other important axles, what allows often work with accelerations and double loads in regard to other existent solutions.

The second main property of the accionamiento DualDrive is the supresión of the game between the two piñones of exit thanks to a precarga electrical or mechanical that allows to reach an extreme precision. The systems of accionamiento piñón-zip DualDrive include therefore two servoreductores planetary mounted in parallel and joined up mecánicamente or electrically. The advantage of this solution is that it authorises a precarga variable. The precarga electrical consists in using a servomotor distinct to pilot each reductor, with the end to impose at the same time a pair antagónico between the two piñones of exit (supresión of the game) and a resultant pair that guarantees the accionamiento global of the system.

His design allows in particular reduce considerably the flexión radial, that is responsible of 60% of the global deformation. In the technical plane, to obtain this result, has optimised the diameter of the piñón of exit with the end to obtain the best relation between the pair transmitted and the rigidity to level of the zip. The own support is constituted, in particular, by two threads of rollers, pretensados and widely sobredimensionados. It is designed of such way that the piñón was creame the more near possible of the effort and only was separated of the rolling of exit by the thickness of the nut of tighten. In his group, the accionamiento DualDrive presents an exceptional rigidity, what allows to elevate the frequencies of resonance on the axles of the machines confrontadas to exigencias high in matter of dynamic capacity. For masses in movement in the order of the 15 tonnes, the gains can like this easily reach until 25% in regard to comparable systems.