Pneumax, S.A. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Pneumax, S.A.
Olaso Kalea, 54
20870 Elgoibar (Gipuzkoa) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑943744144   +34‑943744174  
🖷:  +34‑943744076
Pneumatics material

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Pneumax, S.A.

The company Pneumax, S.A., subsidiary in Spain of the Italian Pneumax,S.p.To, it presents in the market a wide range of industrial components for the pneumatics automation. His production covers from the most traditional systems of pneumatics circuits until the most advanced bases of field in diverse protocols of communication.

The headquarters, situated in Lurano (to 15 km of Bergamo, Italy) occupies a surface of 75.000 m² are distributed several buildings with an area covered near to the 25.000 m², where find machines and tooling of all necessary type to produce and feed with absolute precision and flexibility all the necessary components to the lines of assembling, which, divided by families of products, are able to mount and test each day thousands of components finished. External productive units, pertaining to the group, occupy of specific activities that comprise mechanical works production of racorería, solenoids and microsolenoides.

PNEUMAX, S.A., situated in Elgoibar (Guipúzcoa), has some installations of 1600 m² where, in addition to the inherent logistics to his warehouses of distribution, has of his own unit of production of pneumatics cylinders for a faster and effective attention to the customer. The signature finds also installed in Molins of Rei (Barcelona) where has some installations of 800 m² from which offers to the industrial market Catalan a technical service and of service of maximum agility.

What the market sues we transform it in ideas, the ideas in projects. And the projects in products, using in addition to our structure the arms of the innovation, of the inventiveness and of the modernity.