
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Cuando al pirómano se le va la mano

When to the pyromaniac goes him the hand

Ibon Linacisoro. Director of Interempresas01/09/2012

3 September 2012

A summer sofocante. Burned forestrys, villages surrounded by the fire. Spain has burned in one of the worst summers that remember , prey of his inability to control fires, victim of the tarados that amuse playing with lighters and cerillas. More fire in the means. The one of pyromaniac is already a profession for which give to eat fire to the means, whose wind spreads it by all the country. It wanted the citizenship, that took viewer and powerless to the desesperante fire of the country, a news with water, a rain providencial that finished with the last flame, the last brasa, a rain of such density that did not leave place to the most minimum probability that the fire reavivara. It wanted to it waters to turn off the fires of the corruptions, these fires that each day appear because they are in the subsoil, emerge from the deepest of a society that has assimilated his presence like something unavoidable. The fire of the greed that so many carry inside and whose shredders strength does them even abandon the prudence to avoid the weight of the law. It wanted the citizenship rain for the fire of the bad economic news, that do not cease, that burn us the hope of a next exit of this sinvivir. And punishments for the pyromaniacs, those that feed the fire with his despropósitos and also for which left without controlling that the country filled of thickets of such form that now burns by all sides.

If no punishments, at least a called to order for the pyromaniacs of the news, those that with some regularity throw firewood to the fire of the despair of the citizens that observe astonished how the designated to organise this leafy forestry, dry and full of flammable material that is our country, have a more next profile to the pyromaniac that to the fireman. When to the pyromaniac goes him the hand lights fires inimaginables. Still we remember the measures that pose the managers of hygiene Vial and that include the suspension or withdrawal of the tutela of his children to the parents in case that they are sanctioned in three occasions by not carrying or not using a system of childish protection adapted. This fire did not purchase category of fire, but the pyromaniac, of course, played with cerillas in dangerous terrain. It opened the door to big doubts in similar situations: if the copiloto, many times the spouse of one/one, does not use the belt of hygiene, divorce? If to a boy gordete buys him an ice cream, was custody? If we carry to the grandfather and go without tying all, the grandfather loses the custody on me and I lose it on the boys?

Is only an example, but there is a lot of pyromaniac in our country. Immersed in the terrible fire in which we find us, in place to find us with small taps of water to cut across it, each day wake up us to know of a new fire, small or big, that does not do but hamper more if it fits the work of the firemen. By the way, the every time less drops that will go out of the jets of a petrol that already is almost to the same price that in France, all a milestone that calibrate very those that live near of the borders, also are putting his granite of sand in the fire that surrounds us.

Comments on article / news piece

#2 - Susana
18/09/2012 14:04:06
Eso es. Necesitamos más bomberos y menos pirómanos. En sentido literal y en sentido figurado. Menos fuego en los medios de comunicación y más aire fresco para todos. Tenemos por delante unos años duros y no necesitamos pirómanos sino gente con ideas, con arrojo y con valentía, para trabajar día a día y denunciar y acusar la corrupción.
#1 - Sara
17/09/2012 15:01:33
Agua, agua!!! y sanciones!!! Totalmente de acuerdo... La solución a largo plazo podría venir en implementar una educación desde pequeñitos basada en valores de toda la vida...y no en el YO soy más que tu porque tengo más... Me encanta como expones las cosas...haces que pensemos. Gracias!!!!

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