
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Un especial para una feria especial

A special for a special fair

It is expected that some 200,000 visitors come to the fair of Milan from 21 until the 28th of this month of October to see in situ the latest in technologies for the processing of the metal. Large fairs move an amazing amount of professionals, which is a good sign and on the other hand quite understandable if, as says the Commissioner-general of the EMO in an interview published in this issue "the exhibition will be the showcase of the intelligence and creativity that are born to make machines". A good percentage of this creativity and intelligence he shall be entitled on this occasion to the Asian representation in this edition represents a quarter of the exhibitors. Significant increase to take into account and reason probably concern for European builders of machines. The Asian industry in general is making important in many sectors and this is also applicable to the field of machine - tool.

And a good dose of the same ingredients that Spanish manufacturers of machine tools, with an important role in this new call and the fair such as Alberto Ortueta explains in the interview with MetalUnivers, they are applying to the recipe for survival in difficult times. While the international and country-specific, situation in general, does not reflect a stay or suspension of projects of investment business in modernization and improvements in productive capacity, the truth is that still there is the expected recovery and that the effort of going to a fair should be exploited to the maximum by exhibitors.

In the special block on the EMO we offer on the following pages, we have tried to give one of the main products and innovations presented in Milan during these days, with the absence of companies that have not responded to our request for information. But we believe offer a fairly broad view of what will be happening in Milan when our readers receive this copy. The imposition of the Organization of not present in the EMO products displayed at other fairs fair always leaves a significant margin to the surprise and even hope to find machines that best fit the needs of each one.

To obtain a special issue on the EMO, rest from physical suffering imposed by the fairs or just say hello and talk, so feel free. We are in booth A04 in Hall 4.1, easily reachable after entering the fairgrounds through the door I saw Febbraio.

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