
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at La boda es real

The wedding is real

There is no doubt, journalists are fashionable, especially when it comes to real wedding. There is more to see this new issue of MetalUnivers to understand that, on this occasion, we have been able to show final marriage of industry to the environment. Earlier this year, when we set out to make a publishing program for the rest of 2003 covering the main issues of concern to the sector, we note that the care of our environment has not always addressed properly in a review of these features.

But searching, asking, doing real journalism work, we have noticed that the wedding, Union and commitment between the industry of machine tools and in general of the construction of equipment with the environment that is home to us, is real. Some machines are already ready to enable your users to work according to the requirements of ISO 14001. Others provide equipment to properly manage the waste they generate machining work. We were afraid to be a rumor, a love most in the sack of the disappointments... In short, a simple argument more to renew the speeches and do see a so-called concern for ecology. But no, the report of this number shows that the wedding is real.

And in this, approaching Christmas, the illusion of the nougat and, for many, the anguish of the end of the year and budgets and management plans for the coming period. After an EMO with clouds and clear, the next year the BIEMH Bilbao and the Maquitec in Barcelona will take the pulse in own field. They will probably show many of the machines that we already reported in this issue and in which already published in October specifically to the EMO. Between the parties, Nougat and zambombas, convinced that the bottle is half full and that the commitments in the sector are real, we wish you a


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