
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Los HECHOS en mayúsculas

The facts in capital letters

Throughout our lives, there are things we do in lowercase and other to which attach sufficient importance to give them some capital letters. The majority of everyday movements probably explicaríamos them in lowercase, but the gesta on the bike crowning a mythical Crest, that confrontation children against parents in which parents gave their deserved until then proud children... Even the professional action which generated an unusual call by phone of a superior by congratulating on the good work. Man, all of these latest, and some more, the write in capital letters. They are facts, not mere facts. But the facts do not always act directly on our lives, at least not in the tangible. There are facts of great international importance which, however, hardly will impact upon us, especially if we are made of cold metal, although they probably torture the sensitivity of the facts of another pasta.

Other facts are only made for a large majority. An example? However, it is a fact that the current situation of machine tools is not the best of our history. But it is just a fact to the ordinary mortals, unconscious them that this situation is the category of symptom of an endemic disease in the Western world. Worse still, the cited fact may constitute an alarm that warns of the existence of a supraHECHO, the fact of the facts, which is none other than the consideration of this weak situation as a crisis different from the previous economic cycles. Things will hardly return to the upward cycle alone. The "manufacturing", understood as before, is a battle on its way to be lost, because it will be moved back where is best costs. But we have a floating log that grip us: the firm decision to innovation. No, not that of which we always talk about, one of truth, in capital letters. We invest and innovate, or it will be a fact that we will have to bet on live from tourism, museums or regional parties.

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