
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at El intangible de las ferias

The intangible fairs

When still a few months for the celebration of the EMO (Milan-October 2003) should reflect with time. The meaning of the trade fairs is somewhat confusing. It is obvious that exhibitors are in them a unique forum to reach their potential customers and that they can use them to find technologies that suit your products and needs. But, how many visitors come to a fair with the aim of purchase or at least go to seek information for an imminent investment? It is clear that if visitors are counted by the thousands, the percentage of purchase intent is low. We cannot imagine a fair after which sold thousands of computers.

What is the value of a fair therefore? Surely there are many exhibiting companies who greatly value this intangible impossible to quantify is the image and prestige. At a fair as the EMO or the BIEMH, the absence of, to give an example, a major Builder of machining centers, would be now interpreted very negatively by the sector. From this point of view, one is obliged to participate in the fair of machine tools in their country.

Another factor which, obviously, also encourages the presence of an exhibitor at the fair is the possibility of sale, either immediate or well in the short to medium term. Be able to present in the field the last advances, great news or simply products of always, to an audience that actively seek to place because you are interested in, is an opportunity that no other form of promotion matches.

It is easy to know the reasons for a company to not expose: costs. However, it is difficult to be exhaustive on the motivations of firms to exhibit at a trade fair. Although, probably, they will be related to the place where it is held. Many set out only in their own country. But all those who sell their teams in the major European countries and who wants to continue living, call, inevitably, the EMO.To some they will pose a question, because among the EMO, in October 2003, and the next edition of the BIEMH, in March 2004, it will only be a few months. What to do, bearing in mind also that the times are not to fanfare? If accounts go, without a doubt, go to the two and present the maximum possible developments. That intangible factor that makes us participate in fairs, remains one of the crucial decisions.

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