
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at No es lo mismo, pero acabará siéndolo

It is not the same, but it will remain so

The metal sector is concerned in recent times because some of their clients are closing down its factories in Spain and are going to produce in countries where the workforce is still cheaper as China or Eastern Europe. "Is the logical way, the only alternative route", entrepreneurs are justified, but do not realize that these countries end up imitating the capitalist patterns of the developed world. China, for example, already begins you to make references to capitalism, and when we hope not, more quickly than anticipated say some experts, this giant will spend what we have come to us, that we have moved very quickly from being a country cheap for manufacturing companiesto be relatively expensive.

Some will say, is not the same compare Spain with China, but the forecasts point to that it will remain so. Already we have a long way 60 and 70, where the majors chose always Spain to open factories and industrial plants. They would other countries developed and more expensive, such as Germany and France, and we helped to launch us in industrial development. Now, we are the France and Germany of the time and have to face as they knew how to make the flight of businesses, research, technology and quality. These are the three golden rules for not desindustrializarnos. Take note of it and learn from mistakes.

In short, ahead us new problems, new needs, and new Government. For the moment, we can stay with a headline that one could read in a newspaper some days ago "Zapatero is committed to doubling research in four years if you arrive at the Moncloa." The Socialist candidate announced that it will double the public funds for research through the legislature, at a rate of 25 per cent per annum, and that they are only counted as r & d expenses which are really used for these purposes", relocating for military spending in the right place". Do and now what? We will wait. We have no choice, but while we do so we can reflect on an appointment that in these difficult times comes to mind "life is life, and is the largest, which removes it, it removes all".

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