
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Verdades para elegir

Truths to choose

The truth is that it is difficult to know where they stand. Things, let us be realistic, all are not going as well all we would like to, but however large macroeconomic studies point to a slight improvement of the overall economic situation in Europe, including in United States, and the prospects are optimistic, with possible increases of Spanish GDP for 2004 that now firmaríamos. Of course, after seeing the increase in the CPI recorded the first year of the euro era, the credibility of this type of figures is low. When all of us feel the arrival of the euro in our daily habits, the coffee, the beer, the supermarket or bread, was that not, that at end of year the CPI would have registered an increase more or less "normal". But little by little, watching the absurdities in the field of politics and the increasing detachment between the truths of one and the others, own truth is beginning to be part of the scope of the beliefs. A fact or a figure no longer hold true or not, but that one can believe that they are certain or not depending on what you want to believe. To put it another way, every time we are exposed to more truths about a same fact and we have no other who choose what truth we stayed. Something certainly applicable to GDP, CPI the IPRI and OTS (other many acronyms) that, as we believe or not, seem to where they can make the future of our immediate future.

So things, in MetalUnivers, after all, valuing our sensations, beliefs and opinions of many, many companies in the sector, believe that the situation is better. A positive? Several months of the conclusion of the BIEMH in the new fair exhibition centre of Bilbao, the participation of direct exhibitors was 17 percent above the final figure of the previous edition. Square meters increased stresses further, at the same time the surface area contracted was already 29 percent higher at the end of 2002. We believe that it is cause for satisfaction for the trade fair institution but also for the sector. It is a true, of course that the truths of the future can only become intentions. But in this case it is true. The new fair exhibition centre of Bilbao will be the height of this fair. We believe so.

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