
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Celebrar la Navidad

Celebrate Christmas

Ibon Linacisoro, Director01/12/2003
There is a fact that we know not, but that would no doubt confirm the largest volume of plastic eaten for Christmas campaign. Of fun toys or improper influence in the formation of the children of some products are discussed in other forums, but what is not so common is the presence of plastics in the informative spaces of television. At least two stories, one in Aiju and one in the Center technological research of the University of A Coruña, Ferrol, broadcast in two separate news from State-level networks, have recently dealt with the issue of plastics, as present in toys materials. They are the first steps of this approach of plastics to citizenship which at other times we have demanded from this magazine. Without a doubt important steps, because the two stories were raised in a positive, rather simply informative, tone on the exhaustive testing that undergo toys once completed (Aiju) or plastic materials before being transformed (Centro de Investigaciones Tecnológicas).

In the days of excess, in a focused Christmas consumerism in an unbridled manner, is worth at least eat with the tranquility that children do not have in their hands toys any miscreant has placed on the market, but that there are some control mechanisms that prevent the use of unsuitable materials or forms.

It is significant to media such as television set in plastics for their spaces in ' prime time'. The obvious that these materials are present in our lives, the need to find out more about them and probably know if you really are true countless theories popular knowledge has been disseminated among the population, have provided on this occasion a good service to the industry.

Celebrate Christmas alone. In the room from the door, our children are entertained with proven safety toys, made of plastics, plastics tested for specific applications.

Merry Christmas!

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AIJU Instituto tecnológico de producto Infantil y ocio

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