
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Nuestro futuro ante el botox, las alzas y la grasa de barriga

Our future in front of the botox, heave them and the fat of barriga

Ibon Linacisoro. Director of Interempresas25/04/2011

25 April 2011

Although the mona dress of silk, mona is left. Still this is very true, it is not true that not what we think. Otherwise not him we would both to botox.

Qaddafi, our friend, the truth is that the mockery it served on a platter. Not only by what it does or says, but because of their appearance. A few years ago, took out the belly fat and her injected in the wrinkles of her face. As you might expect, our friend rolled her and took a break in full speech to eat a hamburger. And it is not a joke, has counted it the surgeon that he operated in his bunker. But have they been set in Berlusconi, another friend of ours? Surgery, thick layer of makeup, special shoes with spikes and Cuban heel (short, straight and fairly thick, heel, not the character), strange in the bald area hair. Our friend and neighbor Sarkozy, as well as fix the drifters sides for the photos, also, they say, an intense fondness for heels, and spikes. In this case, your success with women has given the reason and the United Kingdom spoke of a 'Sarkozy syndrome' that affects men aged 40 to 50 years are turning increasingly to the surgery to rejuvenate it. Another of our best friends, Barack Obama, is also very handsome, but say the envious that is for the operation of aesthetic surgery of the nose which was made in the past.

The Spanish product there is no who exceed it. Our best friend, without artifice, without surgery without anesthesia, has been the subject of the great informative pump of the moment. The French magazine Madame Figaro has included José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero in the list of the 20 most stylish men in the world. They have become the silk tie corduroy suit and have done so through the front door.

The current Adviser of Conan the barbarian he has proposed that you work to be... grab, President of the European Union! In his time Conan was seems to have fat hamburger injected into the pectoral, today looks a sanote aspect and we do not rule out the possibility that have gone through surgery, not even that has injected fat of some sort to pay tribute to the brain.

What all of them and other concerns many is that if they are able to try to make it clear that they are something that are not in the visible, what they will be able in the invisible? If your 1.70 is more false that his waist fine, if his muscular chest has more punctures than muscle, if the hair is fictional, how is everything you tell us?

Vote for the fat, calvo, quietly and cabezón. At least start with a truth, the same appearance.

Comments on article / news piece

#1 - Miquel Dulcet
29/04/2011 17:17:51
Desde luego tiene toda la razón, este es un aspecto más de que estamos invirtiendo los valores. La sociedad de consumo inventada por el capitalismo en el mundo occidental necesita vender y para ello necesita fabricar, ¿ cómo forzar esta rueda que nos lleva indefectiblemente a nuestro fin como todas las civilizaciones que nos han precedido?, pues ayudada por los medios de comunicación, en especial la televisión, ir canbiando la forma natural de las cosas. ¿Porqué este interés en que seamos jóvenes y guapos?, porque la juventut es un estado fugaz de nuestra vida y por tanto para perdurarlo necesitamos toda una industria, cirugia, perfumeria, cosmeticos, tintes, moda, etc.por lo demàs superflua

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