
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Burlasconi, por favor, privatiza el mar

Burlasconi, please, privatises the mar

Ibon Linacisoro. Director of Interempresas08/04/2011

8 April 2011

Sure that everything the world remember it. Just over a year ago an Albanian arbitrator chose to annul a penalty after the threat of the President of the affected club and Mayor of the city where it was played, which came to "convince" him to the ground. According to the local press, this episode occurred during the meeting between the teams of kisses and Flamurtari, held in the coastal city of Vlora. The news is surprising, but does it even more indignation of the people involved: "what happened in the last minutes of the first part of the party was really ridiculous and shameful," said the coach of kisses, Shpetim hard, after the game. At this point in the game, that we persuaded that a politician is something everyday. In Castellón have convinced us, for example, that it is better to have an airport without flights to one that generates noise nuisance to the neighbors and whose activities, prevent them walk in their tracks. Not like now, to have them all for them. It makes sense, the truth, as it has that MEPs are travelling in first, with right to newspaper and snack. In Italy, one of the last of Burlasconi has been the privatization of the Coliseum, but the explanation is convincing: the Colosseum in private hands, by the way of a shoemaker (has its charms), magnate of Tod's, which will operate one of the most important monuments of the world in exchange for restoring it and keep it. Because it also makes sense, what you want to tell you. Moreover, it opens the door to innovative ideas to save the world from environmental disaster. Al Gore has been lined with their conferences to raise awareness of the imminent death of planet Earth, but it has not achieved anything. Seeing as the Colosseum and seeing about Japan, let's see, why not privatizamos the sea? It also makes sense, do not tell me. Worldwide begs Burlasconi to find a hole to, along with all its laws to save himself, make us a law to privatize all the oceans. Once in private hands, the company in question guarantees the absence of tsunamis or at least its solution with less distress than the hyperventilation in Japan. It could even better manage the schedules of the tides or adapt them to the working hours, equitably shared fish stocks or organize team pirates.

Politicians do not make fun of us, convince us. According to Burlasconi, asked the Italian in a survey women if they would make love with him, 30 percent said yes, and the remaining 70% responded "Do again?". It is a salao and convince us.

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