
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at El raro que prefiere el mundo de las cosas grandes

The rare that prefers the world of the big things

Ibon Linacisoro. Director of Interempresas01/07/2010

1 July 2010

Big and small, good and bad, importantly and as irrelevant, the distant and close, how difficult and how easy, suitable and inadequate, luck and the misadventure, the handsome and ugly. Big, small. In Sesame neighborhood they left him clear, but not both. One would like to live in the world of the big things and, above all, would like to leave their children a world of great things. Because father, one becomes altruistic and even wishes to others, provided that they are his children, even better than the one's own things. But things big in the big big sense. The difficulty lies in knowing what is large.

Happiness, that no doubt is great. And some come to her eating popcorn while watching TV, others, watching TV while eating popcorn, which is not the same, because each of these two actions gives priority to one of them. Others reaching happiness through a complex compendium of unsatisfactory situations: the victory of his football team, the rupture of a leg of the co-worker most hated, the ridicule of the most hated friend, it's worth the redundancia… similar things. How great is the humiliation of the unbearable neighbor at a meeting of the community of neighbours!

This last is large? We are already entering the intricate field of the subjective. For the rarer said so far is the world of small things. The rare looking for its niche in the world of the big things and believe that through it you will find happiness. The world of the great things has to do with satisfaction inside to do things right: at work, at home, with the people one is related to the family, with children. In the world of the big things, big love is, for example. Small is the popcorn. Great it is to live in a country that believes there are things that make them well. Invest to create, not to cover the next day, investigate to make progress. The rare have been bragging of the gastronomy of the place where they live. They now boast that their community is that most invests in r & d, which has obtained a higher valuation of its educational system. They boast of that their compatriots attend specific meetings, as does not boast of the revelry of the night before, which passed very well, extremely well, too well it even. Our rare like the big things that look you great. Is very satisfied, in a different way when passes well in the spree, when your company dramatically improve productivity, largely thanks to little things, when the quality of the products of your company begins to be at levels that he always wished itWhen sees that to others, be committed to the good do your company's it is not hateful but rather the opposite. Feels great in our rare working their 8 hours to 100%, even in a concentrated way, in order to be as much as possible with his family, his children, his partner, parents, friends. This seems great to the rare. Yes, it is that it is very rare.

Comments on article / news piece

#10 - Alethos
14/09/2010 17:14:27
Enhorabuena por el artículo. Realmente bueno. No todo está perdido ;).
#9 - Alvaro Salieri
17/08/2010 23:49:29
Notable artículo, ciertamente ("as usual"). En efecto, en las grandes cosas pequeñas suele estar la clave del éxito, en la vida como en la empresa. Es en los detalles, lo que no suele salir en los periódicos ni el los balances, donde germina la semilla de la excelencia. Y son las actitudes, los pequeños compromisos cotidianos, lo que hace grandes las relaciones personales y la vida de las empresas.
#8 - Iván Sánchez
08/08/2010 14:26:12
Esto parece Barrio Sésamo, efectivamente. Y es importante recordarlo, porque lo pequeño, cuando está cerca, es más grande. Y lo grande, si está demasiado lejos, se empequeñece. Y la distancia no solo se mide en kilómetros. A veces, se mide en días o años. Y, para acabar de liarla, existen las microscopios y los telescopios, y los objetivos de ojo de pez. Para hacer que lo pequeño sea grande, o lo grande pequeño. Porque, a la hora de la verdad, lo único que cuenta es realmente verlo. Y, si cabe, sentirlo, comprenderlo y entenderlo. ¿Es eso raro?
#7 - Miguel
20/07/2010 15:19:21
A este país se le está cayendo la caspa. Lástima que a base de sufrir chanchullos y pelotazos. Pero nos estamos dando cuenta, igual que los alemanes en los años cincuenta, de que el único activo es el trabajo bién hecho. Se acabaron los atajos. Siempre pensé así, ahora parece que hay más "raros" como yo...
#6 - Lola
09/07/2010 9:29:24
Chapeau Ibon!
09/07/2010 1:21:33
que grades son aquellas personas que tienen la humildad como bandera,y mejorar cada día como meta. Por todos ellos.OOOOOOOLEEEEE
#4 - Fidel Valenzuela
08/07/2010 23:13:29
El artículo esta muy bien. Con las cosas pequeñas se llegan a realizar las cosas grandes. Lo pequeño al fin impresiona.
#3 - José Mª Díaz-Canel
08/07/2010 13:30:36
Se ve una luz de esperanza en este artículo. ¿Podría ser verdad que la mediocridad Española está llegando a su fin? Creo que tenemos que empezar a aplaudir entre todos a aquellas personas que, como dice el artículo, persiguen hacer las cosas bien, las cosas grandes. Por mis hijos, por mi. gracias. Un aplauso por el artículo.
#2 - Jade
08/07/2010 8:49:26
Que grande sería que nos enseñaran en la escuela y en los programas de tv la importancia de éstas pequeñas cosas y dejar de ser rareza para convertirnos en el común de la sociedad, pero está el "share" o como se llame,y nos prefieren borregos cotillos a la espera del pelotazo,la loteria,maquina comeeuros etc.,que solo convierte en grandes a las empresas que representan el 1% del tejido empresarial español.
08/07/2010 8:20:56
Excelente articulo. Sencillo, pero que da en la clave de los valores que en esta sociedad deberían primar. Me siento plenamente identificado con este articulo.

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