
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at ¿Le recorto las patillas?

Him recorto the arms?

Ibon Linacisoro. Director of Interempresas03/06/2010

3 June 2010

Before, they asked. It was a classic in the barbershop or hair salon for men. Will I cut the PIN? The response, the truth, was difficult to avoid. And then with what I'm? But as there is no respect for anything by anyone, nor age, nor by antiquity, even by officials, servants of the State, or by nothing at all, now cut you to one without previous question. Before one pins them were to his liking. Now one would change the diminutive and put legs on the street. Or will they cut.

That one you cut also has its positive effects, especially if the job is fine, but, above all, if the character outlined in question actually need this slimming effect, if they can spare you meats on the sides. It is not acceptable, on the other hand, cut the silhouette to to, for any reasons that life has given you, show a bony and squalid type which already hardly can cut more. It is not the same, in short, scratching a little side Bacon to the well-off official who try to drive the tooth to the bony pensioner. It is not the same, not what metamos everything into one pot. It is like cutting the pins to Kojak and not to play at El Fary.

Many will agree that should be cut. Especially Merkel and Obama, who sent us to the hairdresser. But once there, all the weight of responsibility was Barber. I had to apply the scissors with tino, know when to use scissors and when the winch electric, decide if the PIN flush's ear, a bit below or a little more above. Had one of his worst days the Barber and face decisions that would have never imagined. But he finished the work and the customer, once in the street, received all kinds of comments. That if you are well, if you've spent with the sideburns, to how long, to which cortas… We already know that tastes nothing is written. The fact is that, like or not with its new 'look', the patient carrier of the pins facing his new stage with less weight on his head. Hopefully it will serve to address the months of heat and know properly equip within months of cold weather. To make maintenance of their PIN regularly to not deal with a new cut and, above all, to find rightly a suitable hairdresser if you need another squeeze, because if they leave us without sideburns, what we are?

Comments on article / news piece

#4 - condriac
30/06/2010 18:33:48
Como aquí en el Norte el tiempo es muy inestable yo lo que hago siempre es no tener en cuenta la época de año para cortarme el pelo y voy tiro fijo: los parietales y occipital siempre al 3 y el frontal al 2 (me refiero a la máquina cortapelo). Las patillas siempre a 2cm del lóbulo de la oreja. Con todo ello y muy economicamente por cierto, siempre estoy preparado para todo tipo de eventualidades climatológicas y en caso de frío polar un gorro de las rebajas hace su función perfectamente. Gurús de la Barbería ruego se decanten por cortes de pelo funcionales que no pasen nunca de moda, más que nada para que en el caso de que la moda capilar cambie radicalmente no corramos el riesgo sufrir algún corte o lo que es pero, algún recorte.
#3 - José Alberto Villatoro
30/06/2010 18:23:41
Por desgracia para los pueblos, y hablando en general, la "clase" (habría que ver la adecuación del término) política, maneja y consigue el voto de sus "subditos" con mayor o menor facilidad, siendo ésta en razón inversa a su cultura. Por eso cada Etado o Nción (o como ahora queramos llamarle) tiene exactamente lo que le corresponde. Así que calladitos, que estamos mas guapos.
30/06/2010 13:05:18
#1 - MAR
16/06/2010 8:25:36
Muchos recortes, pero porque ZP sigue sin tocar las extructuras del Estado. Para qué Diputaciones, Delegados del Gobierno, ayuntamientos tan pequeños que solo son el Alcalde y Secretario, Asesores, Secretarias y Subdirecciones +sub etc.etc. cientos de coches oficiales, cientos de dietas por cualquier cosa, SINDICATOS, ONG tapadera y mas y mas. Sólo cortan las patillas de los debiles, porque no somos capacez de unirnos contra tanta injusticia y tanto chorizo que espero no lleguen a disfrutarlo.

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