
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at La nube mancha el cielo, la mancha mancha el mar

The cloud marks the sky, the stain marks the mar

Ibon Linacisoro. Director of Interempresas03/05/2010

3 May 2010

We are gathered today, dear friends, to talk of spots. Some time ago, in this place, what happened in remote locations we mattered little. Because we are only while solidarity takes the flashazo of the tragedy in our television and other media. But take the case of the volcano which knows no boundaries and whose ashes are erected in champions of the freedom to undertake the flight to remote lands and we begin to know Iceland. An island is quite to the North where it is very cold, whose bowels conceal a more typical of the horny Latin than Norse indolence activity. And when something you burned from the inside, just going outside. And it bundles. When we thought we had seen everything, a society whipped by a rampant crisis looks at the situation of not be able to send their workers to fly. Before flying a few, but today it flies around the world, and with a few days of airports closed by a free and willful ash cloud, we see for the first time what is happening in Europe when it can not fly. Sure that many businesses, in addition to own the air carriers, have been truncated or very impeded by its inability to fly. Sometimes it seems that our way of life is a House of cards that may break down as soon as one of the variables that are at stake, and with which we had not, reeling.

The good thing about flying is that you learn geography and the geography is that you can learn without having to fly, simply following the course of the disasters and tragedies. The Gulf of Mexico, dear friends, is not a spin-off of Mexico whose night breaks made him famous, but a place affected by another great spot. Caused by BP. But these platforms were not more safe? Another letter from the base of our House of cards that falters. Now you are suffering from Louisiana and adjacent States but experts fear that the stain is hook to the flow of the Gulf and travel by the Atlantic moving more towards us.

Not sound them? A cloud of ashes with origin in Iceland breaks the tacit rule that a disaster should affect only the desastrada area. It is a standard that all we had in the Chair of our meeting rooms. Now, the fuel slick seeks to ally itself with sea currents to embark on a transatlantic journey. It is funny. The Gulf stream moves water from the Gulf of Mexico to the North Atlantic and one of its ramifications affect Iceland. The cloud of ash from the Icelandic volcano hardly injure you to Iceland, because he traveled with the wind. Now, another disaster to thousands of miles, can get you to Iceland.

This globalization is a disaster. It makes it all lost.

Comments on article / news piece

#3 - Mikel
14/05/2010 10:09:49
Tu vena literaria me abruma. Desde luego con mucha razón.
#2 - Lola
14/05/2010 8:37:10
Muy bueno Ibon. Yo también me ofrezco de colaboradora. ¿Qué tal un Identiplast en noviembre? Un abrazo.
#1 - joseba
05/05/2010 12:27:31
La última frase me ha encantado. Un saludo Ibon!! P.D. No necesitas un colaborador? Me decían que escribía bien... jejeje.

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