
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Avatares de la vida en 3D estereoscópico

UPS and downs of life in stereoscopic 3D

Ibon Linacisoro. Director01/03/2010

March 1, 2010

In Hinduism, an avatar is the terrestrial embodiment of a God, but is also used to refer to incarnations of God in other religions. It has opened us the eyes of an article on Solidworks published in Interempresas and Years and years saying of "ups and downs of life" so come one of the United States and obliges us to search for the true and strict meaning of the word avatar in the dictionary. Now already can put it face and eyes. They are blue, long and good. And the latter is important, because the "ups and downs of life" have always had a meaning that borrosamente tends to negative.

But if there are two important findings in relation to the ups and downs, these are, as one of the stereoscopic 3D and of being in a place without being. This is really cool. The thing is that James Cameron has invented something, or at least been put into practice something, which is the stereoscopic technique, which gives a different to each eye image. And it seems that his 3D is so spectacular.

But that is mere technique, enough to be ready to bring it to life. Already required of a head exceeding the one-dimensional thing of being on a site without being, being that virtual site, but not at all. In the movie, the actors and actresses are real and a little camera to an inch of his face sends the image to a computer, which interprets it and her 'drawn' (in 3D) in the virtual environment in which the scene unfolds. Had he understood nothing? Normal, if you don't understand to write how will understand to read it. But taking advantage of the ignorance is daring, one could imagine that perhaps at some point in our lives that dark hand that everything runs is placing us in a virtual environment, which we believe that it is real. All these years of bonanza, they succeeded in the real world? We drove of truth that mmorg, had really all those things and in the Bank they were really so favourable to our consumer development? Or we were avatars of ourselves in a desired world? All avatars in a greedy and Royal West, but virtual. That, soon. Now, all Royal, with the stark reality before our very eyes, full of ups and downs of life.

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#1 - Marta
01/03/2010 15:42:57
Me encanta que hayas escrito el ángulo contrario de este mes, haciendo relación a una de las mejores películas de la historia, a mi modesto parecer... Sin embargo al final del artículo, me ha parecido entrever (o entreleer) que la comparativa de ese mundo irreal donde una mano oscura nos dirige, pertenece más a Wachowski (trilogía de Matrix) que a la gran inventiva de Camerón. Y me ha hecho recapacitar y darme cuenta que en la esencia ambas películas, nos muestran una realidad “virtual” más plena y satisfactoria que nuestra realidad actual. Será que guionistas y directores, se han vuelto locos!... será que saben que todos soñamos , incluidos ellos mismos, con ese mundo donde por mucho que caigas al vacío... el final ... no pasa forzosamente por un doloroso crujir de huesos! Sea como fuere me atrevo a aconsejar a todo aquel que se tome la molestia en leer este comentario; Pon un AVATAR en tu vida! ......que no es lo mismo que los "avatares de la vida" :)

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