
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at De niño a mujer

Of boy to woman

Ibon Linacisoro. Director02/12/2009

2 December 2009

The question has its miga. A study of the University of Rochester reveals that exposed to high doses of PVC and similar children in the womb then have less inclination to play with men considered toys, such as aircraft, cars, etc. As they say, chemical substances containing plastics alter the brain of infants men making them more feminine. So you already know it, if his two-year-old boy would prefer to do puzzles instead of playing with trucks and putting fingers in plugs, it is more than likely that his wife has been subjected to the effects of PVC. For example, was you, when she was pregnant, in house charge of opening and closing Windows from PVC? Terrible mistake: now the child already not fight with other children in the courtyard but plays with them and even embraces them.

Of course that he is not understood well what if the baby is a girl. It is assumed that you'll end up being what is known as a very feminine woman in society. And all for PVC! As almost all these catastrophic world views, the theory of the study weakens. What is that of being exposed to the PVC? How to do that? Do one with blankets of PVC cover? Eat one PVC mandarins? Do you buy one a solarium that emits PVC? In addition, PVC is everywhere and, for many years, was used with far less control than now. Either in domestic or in the job or in any other, the PVC is found in many applications. Thus, or the current existence of feminized male adults and children is a consequence of PVC or some, when they are older, pretend a dark past under the mantle of the PVC to present a program of the heart.

Industry, progress in the way of life is inevitably linked to the controversy over the good and bad. The farmer will be very happy with his tractor, but emits CO2. The printer, delighted with your machine, but consumes much energy and uses inks. The Builder made houses like hotcakes, but full of extracted from quarries - destroying montes - or synthetic - materials consumption of non-renewable resources and transformation process. Not to mention that makes cars. Buf! If that is bad - it consumes and emits - and, at the height of the straw, the transformer of plastics. And so with all that they do something.

What do we do then? It is obvious: let the child moved to women. For their sake, for the good of all.

Comments on article / news piece

#5 - Joaquin Leon
18/12/2009 10:05:06
Siempre habrá algún personaje, por llamarlo de una manera suave, que esté dispuesto a pagar algún estudio, que prefiero no calificar, y que seguro que paga con dinero público, para sacar alguna rentabilidad o bien política o bien económica, (más bien la segunda). Si no es así, y de hecho se han conocido algunos estudios encargados por entidades gubernamentales, que , cuando menos, no eran muy necesarios, si no es así repito, me cuesta creer que se desperdicie tiempo y dinero en estas cosas, teniendo problemas serios como los tenemos.
#4 - Jordi
15/12/2009 17:30:50
Hasta ahora, el crecimiento económico de los paises desarrollados lo han "asumido" los paises empobrecidos, ¿estaremos dispuesto a "asumir" su desarrollo? ¿Seremos tant generosos con el esfuerzo cuando tengamos que hacerlo nosotros ? Creo que no, tal y como se esta viendo en la cumbre de Copenhaguen.
#3 - Claudia
11/12/2009 0:26:23
Es una Universidad privada. ¿Quién ha financiado este estudio? Quizás... Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con el Director: dejemos que mude.
#2 - Eladio Santacana
10/12/2009 22:09:55
El progreso tiene sus costes en términos ambientales. Si queremos seguir progresando, deberemos asumir que eso comporta costes, que tal vez podremos minimizar en parte, pero sólo en parte. Para crecer es necesario consumir recursos, en buena parte no renovables. Pero el no crecimiento también comporta costes de otro tipo. El dilema es ¿hay que poner límites al crecimiento?
#1 - Enrique Nuñez
10/12/2009 17:08:05
Es obvio, estamos inmersos en muchos dilemas, nucleares o no. Necesitamos mucha mas energia para este siglo, y ademas deber ser barata. No hay otra solucion, y ademas parece menos contaminante. Si hacemos bien las cosas, las nucleares no deben ser peligrosas para nadie. Apostamos?

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