
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at El ocaso ocasional versus la defensa de la alegría

The occasional decline versus the defense of joy

Ibon Linacisoro. Director01/06/2009

June 1, 2009

Was this is going on which written? For many Yes, we know how many know what is going on was going to happen. But why mayo was wroth with humanity? It may 12 – Antonio Vega, of Nacha Pop, leaves it all. May 17 – the Uruguayan poet Mario Benedetti, also. They may 20 – tell us that Spanish GDP suffered the biggest drop in 50 years.

Monday, may 18 - the guipuzcoana Edurne Pasaban crowns the Kangchenjunga (8,586 m), among others with veteran Juanito Oiarzabal, becoming the first woman in the world that manages to 12 of the 14 eight-thousanders. Perhaps the first thing to see from the top was the decline of the light of Mario Benedetti. From there, touching the sky of the good, it could perhaps come up with the spirit of the famous Uruguayan poet or who knows if he could have a Word with Antonio Vega, another style, another poet of the movida madrileña.

Perhaps from there up observed the faint shut down of the moral principles, the devaluation of the confidence of the society accommodated in some Lords paid the kit kat, the swimming pool and the pay-per-view with money from the taxpayer, that fit the suit of all their particular bodies. Perhaps Edurne Pasaban was privileged to see everything from there, in the third mountain highest in the world, because there is nothing better than the perspective to understand everything.

And from there, perhaps to see, that the decline of 1.9 per cent of Spanish GDP between January and March, the highest in 50 years, and the annual decline of 3 per cent, occurred because the ascent to the annual peak in GDP which we celebrated every yearIt was not with the codes of the high mountains, but with the sole purpose of reaching the peak. It was as it were. He stood at all costs, of fraudulently for ethical codes, and forgot the way back. Without knowing down, came the fall.

Who knows if, perhaps, from a distance, from the height of the eight-thousanders, can one see things another way. One is can convince that there is still hope. Perhaps about may make occasional. An occasional sunset. That this feeling of definitive sunset is can convert, only returning to work. Nothing unusual, as before. Work to achieve things. Back to the mountaineering of the past. To the natural increases in GDP. It can be matter of time, but for things well done, leave good things. Even if only by paying tribute to Mario Benedetti, the resistant poet known for defending the joy, we make the effort out of the bend dark, looking out the window to see the girl from yesterday, playing with flowers in my garden.

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