
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at La imaginación en los tiempos del margen

The imagination in the times of the margin

Ibon Linacisoro, Director15/05/2003
The ' 03 Plast in Milan was a good time to assess the current situation of the plastics industry, undoubtedly affected by the overall economic situation. Pure and hard data indicate a slight decline in the number of visitors, 67.907 to the 70.631 Plast 2000, while the exhibition area was a practically negligible drop 71.852 square meters to 71.336. It is justice recall also that the previous edition of the fair was held over six days, while this time is focused on only five, a relief for those whose professional life jumps from trade fair at the fair.

The sensations were different, although a priori, not to mention the reality of the data, did not appear that the number of visitors was very high. Tranquility is breathed through the corridors, with the exception of the pavilions were manufacturers of machines for molding by injection, that does put to test antitranspiración of practitioners suffering cosmetics, subject to the stifling heat that during those days fell on Milan.

Spanish exhibitors, as usually happens often, the balance of the show differed between the satisfaction of some and the absolute despair of those who, with a probably inappropriate location, dedicated much of his five-day fair to the reading of all the press written in Castilian that fell into their hands. Universal plastics was no exception and entertained the downtime of some exhibitors. Given the proximity of the end of the fair with the closing of this Edition, the complete story on the fair, news and products there exposed, will be published in the June issue.

He was seen clearly, both by the exposed product feedback from exhibitors, the severity of the current margins in the various fields of industry. The quest for productivity is already an objective that builders transmitted to their computers to make them her impact to your users. Here, the imagination and technical solutions are becoming the way to follow for many manufacturers, since, especially in the area of the injection, standard applications are increasingly available to anyone. Distinguished from the rest and find the diferencialidad in an environment of maximum profitability, are issues that concern us and which imposes a combination appropriate for imagination and technical.

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