
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at El valor añadido

The added value

Ibon Linacisoro, Director01/02/2003
The extrusion is a process that, if he explains with maximum simplicity, is no secret. A spindle in a Chamber spins a molten material and what is "pushing" through a mouthpiece with a unionized, where going out the tube or profile. Having said so, certainly, it seems that anyone can buy an extruder and manufacture products "like hotcakes", never better said. But there is more to read in this issue of the magazine interesting innovations that manufacturers are launching to the market, to understand that the thing is not so simple. The truth is that, even today, to start a business of candies for children need to know the market. We have come to the facilities of a manufacturer of pipes (see report Tubesil) to learn about the problems of the sector and we have ascertained something obvious, but often ignored: the importance of the human factor. A process and engage with security for all its intricacies becomes a process something simple. But behind this apparent simplicity is the professionalism of the people.

It is they that forward profit a business and is therefore pleased to hear words like the by Armando Alvarez, Chairman of the Group of the same name, when, during the traditional meeting annual of the industry of plastic CEP, wanted to "thank everyone in our staff"", the collaboration that us has been providing in all these years, they have been to them, no doubt, the true architects of development".

This industrial group and, in general, the plastics processing sector has always pursued a very high investment policy in the renewal and modernisation of production equipment, but Armando Alvarez wanted to agree on the base of the entire business.

José Lloría, Honorary President of the CEP also noted in his speech the importance that, during his 22 years President of the Centre had the collaboration and the valuable human team of the Centre Spanish of plastics, "for his professionalism and his Dedications"", carrying out the policy that our Board of Directors marked".

We will not fall into the ingenuity of the brave new world in social relations, but if it should be recalled that the critical resource for any country are entrepreneurs and, in a broader sense, the people of the country.

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Centro Español de Plásticos (ONG)

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