
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Material, haylo

Material, haylo

Ibon Linacisoro - Director23/02/2009

Out of this we have what you need to have. As reflected in numerous interviews that we are making in recent times. The only outstanding issue is the length of the current crisis, which worsen the situation of the companies in greater or lesser extent. But, departing from the catastrophic visions, which augur well for a new world war, social unrest, back to the barter system in the absence of money and collective suicide, many others think that we can, that we know. There is material, gentlemen, in our country to get out of it. Haylo! Why then seek it out? Even the most conscientious studies reveal the poverty of the foreign material. An example. Aimme has warned of the use of toxic metals in the jewels of Asian origin. It send noses! There is a risk of allergic reactions or skin absorption of toxic metals by using jewelry products imported from the Asian area, including Turkey. We suffer from skin absorption of metal released in ionic form due to sweating. Jewellery and sweat is ugly, but it is a fact that some, and even some, sudan despite its jewels.

Either way, and even accepting that enough material there is to avoid having to resort to other materials, actions to promote investment are welcome. The Austrian company Schwabe, who has created a 'renove plan' for vibrators has thus understood. You're going, deliveries used apparatus, and make you a discount of up to 40 euros. It is not clear if the device has to be used or simply old. A 'renove plan' for sex toys it says a lot about our affluent society. The Government of Angela Merkel has taken several measures of this kind, as the bonus of 2,500 euros for those who change their old car by one ecological. New vibrator has a lot of good: active consumption, put into operation more than neurons in the user/user, abstracts to user/user of a painful reality and fill in the time of those who have less work. In addition, intended to assist in the withdrawal of the German market of nearly a million of vibrators manufactured in PVC. Of course, many think that with the PVC does not play. Not even eróticamente.

We flee, finally, of toxic metals in its mixing with sweat, of PVC in various toys. And give it to the "on", so that this begins to vibrate.

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