
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at PPolíticamente CCOOrrectos

PPolíticamente CCOOrrectos

Ibon Linacisoro, Director15/03/2003
When we are at the vortex of the day to day, in the times in which we do not have time to almost nothing, when he arrives on Friday without achieving close all those operations that we should have closed, the same language is being affected by the inertia of the rush. If adolescents and the not so young now dominate the art communicate through messages writings whose spelling is intended to reduce time, effort of the thumb and cost, the communication through e-mail in the workplace is also dispensing with increasingly formalismsWelcome and pompous stag, with the ultimate aim of saving time. Already long overdue is known the hobby of the citizens of countries in different Spanish languages for the abbreviation. Such is the case of the English or German, where it is common to use only the initials of some expressions, institutions... And very similarly, the plastic materials themselves are away from everyday language long words's entering the confusing abbreviations field. Because PP, when plastic is, know that it is polypropylene, and thereby we have when in a journal like this, we dare to holder, for example, "The PP continues to rise". Nothing is further from our intention to enter the political arena, especially when, with the times, editing a means of communication that faje in this arena may go becoming daring, Act of courage or, simply, proximity to those already mentioned acronyms, but in another sense.

Indeed, the context in which one speaks or writes defined largely what you mean. Obvious is that, although the name of our universal plastics magazine, is often replaced by letters PU, when referring to the PU our pages we are thinking of the polyurethane. And when we speak of PET, the polyethylene terephthalate is the focus of attention, not the phenomenon of human nature which the same word in Catalan.

The confusion of the letters hinders communication. But let us be clear: in this magazine, PP will be always polypropylene and PS, polystyrene, and if ever we refer to the PSE you will want to say expanded polystyrene, although we know that it is more common to say EPS, in the same way that we will refer to the polycarbonate with PC.

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