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CUD surprises

Ibon Linacisoro, Director01/08/2005

We do not win for surprises. It seems that cows can end of PET waste. Well, the subject has more breadcrumbs because it seems that Mexico, the postgraduate school is given account of in the rumen, pregástrica fermentation body considered to be the preestómago, is created naturally an anaerobic microclimate that works as a natural food in cows fermentorsheep and goats that could produce some kind of bacteria capable of degrading the PET. This is a mean, could be improved and with a pastillitas anything, perhaps we could reach that is the man himself that degrade these materials in your stomach. One is going camping and just easily with the empty PET bottles. The polluter pays principle, in this case, the polluter swallows his bottle. In lean times, would be the great opportunity to fatten them with discarded containers.

It is not a bad start in the search for alternative food, a sector that, food, which every day is closer to the plastic. Yes, it is that Aimplas develop a new biodegradable plastic for agricultural uses, which is made from Pea starch. But if the fertility of ideas too much in the 11th century, is scarce the fertility of humans, which is not surprising. It is one of Harvard, who know everything, say that the intravenous bags, catheters, blood bags and tubes for infusions, food bags and nasogastric tubes contain a substance that would affect long-term fertility in young children. Boys, not girls. They contain di2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) an agent softener makes flexible plastic and apparently calls into question the virility of the male. And here it gets serious. The infertile male is frowned upon, but could improve their image in society if it at least rumiara bottles and, since posts, all that waste to be put forward. Overcome since the era of the male gay and that of the metrosexual, beginning of the ruminant male. A fictional character.

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