
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Una joya de muerto

A jewel of the dead

Ibon Linacisoro, Director01/01/2006

It is nothing like before. Or die. It is, already dead, if one wants, one burn you, forgiveness, they incinerated him, and in his ashes family members planted a tree which feeds on minerals from the ashes of one and grows, the tree grows and grows. And who knows if the tree that grew with the ashes of the dead in a fire in summer feeding roots back to the ashes and again begins the cycle of life without end. With how easy it is to buy a plastic FIR for Christmas, is why we we complicate both the life?

But the thing does not end there. The range of the supply of that infinite gear which is consumerism seems to have found a new source of expansion in the dead. It is that, if one thinks that planting a tree in the ashes of a loved one is not suitable, you can make a diamond. Yes, Yes, let the jewelry already already aparquemos the piecerío of plastics of colorines that adorn our faces and bodies or build without complexes by diamond. A Swiss company offers the possibility of transforming the ashes into small gems to immortalize the memory of the deceased. That sounds like a joke or fantaciencia it is not, and some Spanish funerary already offer. This is to synthesize diamond carbon that subtracts from the ashes through a process of transformation (grafitización) which includes their being subjected to high temperatures and pressures. The conversion of the dead diamond has a price, according as you look at, which may be expensive or cheap, we do not know. Between 3,700 and 15,000 euros. It is money, but if the dead was far-sighted and apalabró in life passing by the fire and the subsequent resurgence of ashes in a spectacular diamond, the relative graceful with the jewel can be satisfied. You imagine a loved one with the face of diamond in the ring finger?

If plastic FIR would give to fret with the ashes as fertilizer, an imitation of jewel, a concocted plastiquito, end to coup with this sophisticated system injection to treat our dead. Man, it is true, is not the same lead to grandfather in the ring than a piece of resin. Emotionally it is not the same, but if we start practical... Plastic, we say it always takes us many dead above. Cheaper, lightened, saves efforts, adorns even navideñamente when one decides to have recourse to one of these firs that replace the truth. The plastic does not die in a long time. And if you die, we change and run.

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