
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Hablar y hablar para oídos sordos

Talk and talk to deaf ears

Ibon Linacisoro - Director15/10/2008

Best thing about Internet is that one learns everything. Normally, also of matters which are required knowledge in the performance of our profession. Such is the case of this news, according to which a German woman of 48 years ended up calling desperate to emergency services so that they rescued her from a State of high alert: a friend who went to visit her was talking non-stop for 30 hours. Friend, if it can be called so, was to explain his personal problems and alcohol consumption made his State of drunkenness to increase progressively, which gave wings to GLib. Without already knowing what to do, the host called the emergency number. The woman - terrified - called an ambulance but health services - some vague - refused to take to a friend, so the suffering woman telephoned the police. Agents were the heavy friend and left him at his home, where it is not known what has happened in the hours following.

So no, do not agradezcas us, friend reader, is our duty to keep you abreast of important things that happen. News like this can not silence.

Trade talk and talk tactics is famous throughout the world. One just sometimes selling for shooting down more than out of conviction. The trouble with talking and talking, as well as of listening and hearing, is that the words finally lost all its meaning. Fairs, full of carnies, are the talkative one what the famous colococo the drinker: a paradise. Now, recently, in Germany, the carnies have had their opportunity in the AMB, where 80,000 potential victims have crowded the corridors, joyfully exposing the talkative professional. Some spoke with knowledge and even some, it is said, sold machines. This is almost certainly, because one who subscribes is witness that machines are doing. And if they are... somewhere they will be. And Germany not wrong. With which is pulling around here the German market is giving some satisfaction. The organizers of the fair AMB, certainly sure that you knew them well that 60 per cent more visitors compared to the previous edition.

Clear that both talk and talk, and you do not know who to trust and the commercial arguments confuse sometimes with what can be, what with what will be. And in this tangle of envelope information, which is both written and is talked about so much, the eyes and ears of the receiver are so defensive that are difficult to penetrate them. We make an effort because by empathy. If all sell something, in short, make it easy to which speaks to us and avoid the difficult drink talking to deaf ears. And if this doesn't convince, it is always the option of not listen and continue reading this magazine to find out about one of everything.

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