
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Yo, robot, te amo

I, robot, I love you

Ibon Linacisoro - Director15/09/2008
At this point in the game no one already believes in coincidences. Now that Maquitec has been reported that its next edition, in March 2009, it will coincide with the World Congress of robotics, what a coincidence, it is that an expert out there, in the media, arguing that with "love" sex between humans and robots will become a reality by 2050.

Let's see, one thing is the Plebs to stay quiet and slinky, and quite another that is silly, which swallow everything. Is it coincidence that the metallurgical trade fair of the Mediterranean coincide with the fair Congress of robots when shortly before the great news of sex and robots has been discovered? It is not. Seeing this chance, it is a theory to keep in mind that the World Congress of Robotics comes to Barcelona because he is one of the cosmopolitan metropolis where more characters of the male gender return to their homes in the small hours of the morning with the feeling of not having known love. It is not a matter properly Barcelona, but being a large city, if only because of the generous number of inhabitants that houses, is a no-brainer what was stated. And it is probably for this reason we go now with robots. Nobody wants to disappoint and given the itinerant nature of the Congress between Europe, Asia and America, Barcelona has wanted to make a difference.

In another Congress, the "first Congress on relations between humans and robots" held in the Netherlands at the end of June, is the expert in artificial intelligence David Levy said that having sex with a robot and even something as crazy as fall in love with himIt might be feasible within forty years. Levy believes that these relationships will be possible thanks to the tendency to build increasingly humanized robots and by what is said, promotes this kind of relationship yet for years.

Yet relations have little or nothing to do with fellatio yet that the President of the company Ryanair spoke on June 17. Taking advantage of a press conference in Germany, country with a powerful industry, also blown, announced who studies launched a "free beds and blowjobs" service which will be available to both its low-cost flights and the first class. It confirms therefore that not worth paying a ticket in business class and that some still rely on sex without love.

However, with views for everyone, it seems beyond doubt that love a robot-like human, custom and programmable character and a personality can be is already. We do not know how it will be called the Union humano-robot, but we hope to take account of the controversial decision to call marriage to the Union man or mujer-mujer. Gay pride day is most likely to not exist by 2050, because it is desirable that at this point there are no nothing to claim from that point of view, but certainly concerned the Organization of the robot pride day. If we want to do things right, will have to start thinking about it.

The friend Levy believed that Massachusetts will be the first to legalize marriage with robots. Let us please the moral principles that have formed the basis of our progress. A period of courtship of the human with the robot, is desirable even we approve a trial period under the same roof, but a relationship of robot with robot seems appropriate under any circumstances. They saltarían Sparks, is cortocircuitarían the movements and the love between unequal would be sadly reduced to sex for sex between robots.

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