
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at La publicidad en tiempos de crisis

Advertising in times of crisis

Ibon Linacisoro - Director15/11/2008
Skill and dexterity to Whiteout and a little bit of trial and sanity. This will be the starting point for advertising in the future. That the situation in the country is not partying is a topic very well on all sides, but what do we do with advertising? MetalUnivers - Interempresas and its associated portal the data we are giving the reason. They are the five million page views a month (control OJD) which give us the reason, not ourselves. The consumer, also in the industry, belongs to increasingly fragmented groups and advertising that is directed to them must be individually and accurate, but above all, must be also informative. Let us not forget this aspect of the advertising. In MetalUnivers - Interempresas is precisely the combination of print and electronic media, as well as coexistence without complex of interesting information and advertising, which is the basis of success. Advertising has various functions: serves to capture the existing demand internet search (multidemandas), to create new demand (informing about new products or new offerings) and to retain the demand (by strengthening brand image). If anyone, given the crisis, has his doubts, it must take into account that stop doing advertising is losing positions on all three fronts.

Moreover, no one should forget the cost of not advertising how much can cost it a company not receive consultations of those companies who use the internet to search for suppliers? A lost client can cost much more money than all the advertising cost of one year.

The good news of the crisis is that one day end. And always, throughout history, has been different: at the end of the crisis the market shares of various companies have substantially changed, some have disappeared, others who were leaders have lost positions and many others have emerged greatly strengthened. In terms of brand positioning, advertising "blackout" is lethal if other competing companies maintain or increase their presence in the media.

We recommend to focus investment on a medium with guarantees of dissemination (audit of OJD), to provide campaigns multimediáticas (web and print media). But a comprehensive approach is also important. Individual actions are less effective which address the communication and advertising in a comprehensive manner. Here, the combination of announcements, product reviews, reports on paper, digital editions sent by e-mail, e-mailings, virtual exhibitions, videos and television 'online' is, without doubt, an integral formula.

Spend with tino is equivalent to saving. Think, although the work so permits us not, save and reach out to the client through the middle and with the appropriate message, is winning.

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