
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Alta velocidad, la obsesión de nuestros tiempos

High speed, the obsession of our times


Are many the companies that have already clear that they have to approach to the mechanised of high speed. Now well, to comprise that the future goes through this type of technologies to invest in them there is a series of intermediate steps and of ‘inconvenient' that still have to resolve. The problem are the hastes. We live in the times of the high speed in everything. How I will take less in doing this pending trip? How I can do to launch a product with more rapidity to the market? How I will do it to attain quote me in an alone day with several people? With which method will do this hole in the piece with more rapidity? There is not more than observing our surroundings to comprise that the time marks it everything. The “for yesterday” is the tonic general and are not few those that complain of the pressesure that supposes to fold to the slavery of some increasingly adjusted terms taxles by the customer.

If high speed machining allows what its name suggests, the company that makes the investment, thinks primarily on how much time you will take to recover the investment. Rush again. As soon as possible, it is clear.
And hurry, surely, it will require your machine a company that has finally decided to carry out a new investment. But, well, accepted this way of life, work, assimilating the obsession for running already, the truth is that high speed machining allows those who use it significant competitive advantages. It is not a magic solution, and sometimes it must be completed with the use of other technologies, such as EDM, but application on hard steels, for example, is enabling its entry into areas until recently unattainable. High speed machining, lest we forget, allows machining materials with a hardness greater than 50 Hrc or thin walls of 0.2 mm.
For several months, in this same journal defined the machining of high speed as "the optimization of machining with the existing possibilities, limited by the piece/material to mechanise and the available herramientas-máquinas." "This can be machined at speeds of court between 5 and 10 times higher than those used conventionally for every material." In short, that it greatly increases the speed, limited clear is by other factors as the material.
All is beside the point, because this new issue of MetalUnivers devotes several articles to this technology so in keeping with our times, our lives, our obsessions for speed... For once, dear reader, we recommend a bit of pause. He would welcome the pleasure of reading slowly on something so quickly.

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