
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at El dinero de la vergüenza

The money of shame

Ibon Linacisoro - Director15/05/2008
We wanted to dedicate this space to innovation. But we saw that innovation is boring. So much so that some, such as the instituto valenciano Aimme are working to raise awareness among SMEs in the sector based on the benefits of knowing and integrate innovation helping tools in the production process. Seen the boredom of the innovation, we believe that the training could also be interesting for this space, another issue on which no one the has occurred trying in an editorial. We were already very swollen in "must install a system for the training of our professional future..." But nothing, training is a very stressful topic, must learn, pass tests... remove, remove. Then Yes, finally we thought the theme star for a singular space like this: the quality! This is a subject of extreme interest and to make sure that we bored, or good. And, again, this did not spoke never anyone. So we started with quality, to spin. And so many laps gave him, which concluded that the quality is a Chinese tale, with all our respect to the imaginadores of tales and Chinese nationality, that go ahead. Quality? What is quality? Because after a long time in which many, many theorists sobaron to wear the term quality, after many years of inventing words for procedures, give names foreign to most everyday in a business affairs and left in the corner of doubts if quality is to do things in an orderly manner or the result is the good, the quality is a term of insufficient prestige for a space of prestige, like this. Nothing, another discarded theme. And discarding, discarding, to the point of putting aside a fascinating in our times subject as it is that of creativity, we finally arrived at what really matters: earn money. The thing is silly, but that it is the case. I.e., not make money by winning. It's that people working self-employed person what they want is to go to work, carry out their work and to take a beer occasionally. Even if there is extra, give their children a quirky bread. And those who work on their own, because exactly the same, only that sometimes the beer accompanied by olives and Moreover, they have to think about some things. For example, if the following month them will in so that workers have for a beer, and if they can follow with olives. But in this world at the end everyone thinks the same. To win money in order to have a spend life as pleasant as possible, not money per se but because without money we don't have hot water, or even the shower in itself, nor the tap, or the continent thisWe have not for necessities, such as the 'home cinema' objects. Without the money I wouldn't be here, or you, reading this, if it is that you read, because as you've got here thinking in the beer after and or you've heard of this. But if you just wake up thinking with me: why all talk (well we not that boring us) without complexes on the innovation, training, quality and creativity and, however, gives us shame talk about money? It's funny.

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