
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at El torno peludón surgiría del amor

The peludón lathe would emerge from the love

Ibon Linacisoro Director15/12/2007

To the cole, the EMO (Hanover, September 17-22) forgotten, embrutecidos for the work and the omnipresent worldly miseries. But there is place to love, dream and hope. He dreamed the ovejo with the female cerda and love emerged the cerdoveja. He jumped corrals and corralillos and did not hesitate to risk their meats in barbed wire to achieve the dream of eternal love. He was awarded the female cerda with enthusiasm, with fervor. It was that a strange, unusual encounter for the ovejo and the sow female. And I said, saving details, what happened is that they broke the ice of pure relations and, crossing moral boundaries, gave the world a new be: the cerdoveja. It was at Argentina, which is already known the bug by rare, by a fur which appears in sheep's wool, being this the only thing that has sheep, because the rest is pork, pork. The thing is rare because the animal must be terms not suffering heat. Their wool is coppery color, has a year and is raised on a farm on the outskirts of the city of corner, Corrientes Province, 600 kilometres north-east of Buenos Aires.

Some have defined it as a whim of nature, because they say those who know that it is impossible that reproduce animals of different species such as sheep and pigs. But this claim is dubious credibility. There are known cases of couples formed by fans of Real Madrid and Barcelona with offshoots of the Seville. Neither for you nor for me, they must have thought, and did so as well, to conscience, the Seville, which also won titles.

But human humans are bad people, human, means, and there are who are already saying that the cerdoveja was not but the result of the weariness in a traditional relationship cerdo-cerda, that there was no love for environment. The subject is worthy to be cared for by our environment because it is related to subcontracting, by chance, just now that the Industrial Summit held in Bilbao (25-28 September) to outsourcing as a protagonist. They say these gossips that male pigs, fed up of child-bearing and comply with the female, tired, cerda in short, bedtime with a pig, it subcontracted to the ovejo the work of procreation. And there is the cerdoveja to demonstrate that it had complied with its duties. An ovejo hired to serve the female cerda.

In ours, the issue is not new. The pig with hair of sheep is in machine language a machine integrated with functions of turning and milling. The pig hair of sheep and Eagle nail, would be, following the logic, a torno-fresa - drill and so on. But no one has come to mix real machines with animals. There must be a way of crossing a lathe with a sheep for a tornito peludoncito them to tender the milling machines and machining centers. It is put. Insurance. It would not have to convince the sheep that can love a lathe. From there to the shoots, a step.

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