
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Un polvo inteligente entre vientos turbulentos

A smart dust between turbulent winds

Ibon Linacisoro, Director15/04/2007
The Spaniards are satisfied with their sex life, said it the other day on TV. They practice sex 118 times a year, more or less once every three days which are regular. Then there are those of the binge, who leave everything to the end of the year. But even when many figures they seem astronomical, the issue before us, that it is none other than a smart dust, has nothing to do with sex but with astronomy. Smart dust is astronomical. A few British engineers, who have the double virtue be engineers and being British, say that there are a few small intelligent devices that can be spread in the air as dust particles and that could be used in space research to explore other planets. The devices could consist of a PKI of computer with a plastic coating which can change form when an electric charge is applied. For a planet such as Mars, smart dust particles would have to be the size of a grain of sand. They say that a swarm of 50 smart dust particles can be arranged in a star, even in the midst of a turbulent wind formation. A powder smart in the middle of a similar wind is an issue of utmost importance for those who are dedicated to astronomy. They have already the first houses to protect themselves from the wind, and probably intelligent, in Mataró, Barcelona dust, containers of Spain. The Town Hall of this town has signed an agreement with the Austrian firm Containex dedicated to commercialize shipping containers, to turn them into rental housing for young people. The earn have a surface of 60 square meters and the idea of the consistory is rent for half the price of a regular income. It is not a bad idea, but it is important to situate the vivienda-container away from a port, not going to be that you wake up one in the port of Hamburg. What is certain is that the plastics industry here has a wide range of applications. Metal containers, a simple thing to the complexity of smart dust, which must be coated plastic on the inside, to make them more monkeys, to overcome these 118 per year. Of course we can, mood!

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