
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Líquidos y gaseosos, en bolsa transparente

Liquid and gaseous, in transparent bag

Ibon Linacisoro, Director01/02/2007
It has you travelled by air, kind reader that suffer us, since the last entry into force in November 2006 of the MeMuestre Act things? If did it, know of what's happening and if not, it will have read or heard of someone. Now one must put their liquid, Pasty and perhaps also gaseous products always in containers of less than 100 ml, in a bag of plastic be able to access areas of embarkation of the airports. You must remove the watch, belt, sometimes the shoes and the rings of the BRA, show your tube of toothpaste crushed and well sobado, his brand of deodorant, shampoo, liquid lenses... all what takes over, even if it is a cream or ointment for intimate use. Gentlemen, the plane will enter now openly, we all know if the of beside suffer them in silence, it will be an open secret that the 26 F seat suffers them. And as things could not be less, the MeMuestre law has its beneficiaries. Who? First all, because it was already well so pump boat of deodorant. Second, the cotillas, friends know everything about the maximum possible number of people. But also, thirdly, that they have reacted quickly and they have released appropriate transparent bags to carry hand luggage on aircraft. Because of course, it is not worth any bag, they must be those that incorporate a locking system.

There are more beneficiaries, because some manufacturers of consumer goods are launching products of less than 100 ml size so that they can be carried in hand baggage.

And the thing goes further. The more savvy have already submitted to the market the underwear antiflatulent, what can happen. A flatulence in a place like an airplane at 10,000 meters, available range of pump or, as a lesser evil, can interfere with navigation of the machine tools. But we have the solution. The underwear antiflatulent were designed in the United States.UU., the maximum security paradigm, and are ideal to avoid compromising moments when it is next to others. They serve, say its inventors, to avoid the pain that generates endure this situation. The technology of the product is a kind of pocket with a replaceable filter inside made of polypropylene but soft texture, and in its centre are active coal that cuts off bad smells. What they fail to plastics... Now already, one is released without having to rely on that of about pointing to another unsuspecting when this happens. Its manufacturers claim that the garment "increases the social confidence of each", did not however clarify if they are also soundproofed.

Only one question, with the response we have not given at the close of this edition. If the underpants it is loaded, it pita to pass the checks? By logic should be introduced also in the transparent, along bag with liquids, etc. And if this is so, friends, the tail of the controls at the airports will go from being slow and underlying to be very, very funny. Thank you, again, plastic, for all that you have given us.

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