
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Rodolfo Langostino

Rudolph shrimp

Ibon Linacisoro, Director01/12/2006
What would say our ancestors? In good part because of our plastics industry nothing is what it seems. Is skin or plastic is the bag that have given us the Magi? They are of wood or PVC those Windows of the restaurant where our company took us to dinner on 15 December? It was the shrimp served our in-laws of meat and whiskers or was a perfect imitation in any Edible polymer? It was certainly by which cost swallow it, polymer. Rodolfo Langostino have moved to modernity and already does not submit to their peers at our table for Christmas, but it has created an entire army of molded prawns that adorn the table perfectly, although they do not convince fine palate. It is true, however, that after uncorking bottles of wine aunque maybe will start to be more correct to say "dessiliconar" bottles if the silicone continues cornering to the corcho any shrimp okay, so the palate loses taste properties with the wine. And around the artificial prawns at the table, families gathered with their no less unreal aspect, with hairstyles peinadísimos to look like hairy or very broken new clothes who wanted to seem old. The new wants to be old, old want to be new, recover the skin elastic, bright, colourful and full of life from his childhood. Always the dissatisfaction as background color, the paradox carried to the extreme.

A time in which the plastic that simulates wood in the dashboard of the car, intended to look like plastic will come. But not directly, but in a complex way. You'll want to be wood, but have aspect of plastic in the eyes of the user, still not wood and plastic. More wood is indeed the needed the stove in the sector of the plastics, whose fire has been weakened in 2006 after a few years of light and heat. More wood, or better, more wood that is plastic, because let's not compare the calorific value of the wood with the plastic, they too earn with one less and bound feet.

More wood for plastic, more plastics, more real, but, above all, more health and more plastic, of course. And a happy new year!

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