
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Construye, que no es poco

Builds, which is no small

Ibon Linacisoro, Director15/10/2006
Plastics sector rubbed their hands with the real estate "boom". Has giraffes desiccated through garbage bags full of banknotes, municipalities with good or bad art, spectacular recalificaciones, diggers bathed in gold or peninsular Manhattans without water, plastics, to his own: to isolate, to carry water, to remove water, everything, everything that plastics can be made in the construction. Because then Paco and come with rebates, and collapse or not the building, trials, scandals, prisons... whatever, plastics are sold. So by that side, what is happening in Spain, since it is good. With its paradoxes: both roof to spare, but increasingly more difficult to play. The roof, it is understood. In fact, no one wants to ever have the feeling of having peaked. This is true for companies, clear, but it is not less for the individual, be alive and thinking that exists after all of us, but sometimes we do not feel well. We do not want to complicate life, but on the other hand we have the feeling of not having peaked. The routines, which in reality is one and large, the routine, we said, is what us adheres to the computer in the morning to check that the acoustic signal from the received email is perceived as an imperative: "read me and answer me, already!". The world of information, very touched by the plastics, located under the umbrella of the construction, very touched also by plastics, by the way, by the way, involves our everyday life in a wrapper (very touched by the plastics, how not) information of return that it has become an end in itself. Soon we will see resumes that warranted the domain of the e-mail: "Great ability to disregard emails", which can prove it is safe work.

In China, that it seems that we will do harm at all, have it easier. Not by ready, nor for being far from here, but by the censorship. There, users turn to Voodoo in the fight against censorship, in reality to the "cibervudú". The rebels have begun to publish the photo of a doll's cloth similar to those used in Voodoo, which according to them represents a censor of the Chinese Government and has several needles stuck in their websites. Next to the photo, she wrote: "this person prevents access to Google" (the ".com" version has been banned several times in China). "If you click on this web site, it is equivalent to a needle stuck into the doll".

Information, by modern technology, construction and packaging, bulky, by the way, are returning to our, compulsive consumer of plastics. If they can stop a moment the email, the blackberry and mobile, go to page 104 of this same issue to see how in the depths of our informational routines, under the watchful eye of our walls and ceilings, plastics have submitted to us.

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