
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Se busca sentido común

Looking for common sense

Ibon Linacisoro15/06/2007
I had to go. For some time now we are being informed of a new social stream, which tends to slow. Yes, stepping on the brakes, stop the rush, breakfast quiet, go softly to work, do not enter "this to yesterday". Now that everything is much easier with regard to production, it's all fast, periods become shorter, nobody wants to wait. Even the doctors complain that patients want to heal in less time, do not accept deadlines set by nature for, for example, an influenza process. And what happens with ours? Who sells in this brave new world of tranquility? For now let's leave it at that today, if you want to survive, you have to be to the Parrot, espabilar, find your niche. The famous relocation is a problemón, China is another problem, as well as a good opportunity, but probably more defining this present where we fajamos now, is uncertainty. Is so amazing sometimes how easy posed it some. The large, which more machines sold, the Mori Seiki, Mazak, DMG, Haas, speak in a positive. Mori Seiki will move from its current 630-640 monthly 800, Haas machines is already thinking about 13,000 annual machines and DMG, has just announced a substantial increase in their sales, so much that it has had to be corrected upwards its forecasts for the end of this year 2006. Is this applicable to ours? Well, hard to say, but it seems that, in the midst of this aura of sadness, each one you are looking for their own niches. And this is good, clear, but could be better. In Japan we have witnessed how scrupulous the Japanese in controlling their production systems are. In Europe, the Europe of welfare, we are not to great fanfare. We are a good part of the rest of the world what the pampered children of football are normal citizens, with all the respect that we must take before the "normal" expression meaning. In the great American manufacturer explain that their success is based on common sense. "We give the customers what we like to give us to us when we buy a machine". Of course, this is not only easy, but also very nice. But it is that it requires extra effort. As could be, friends from the other side of the pond, the simple thing. Or it might be, it is possible that the mystery is only to give the real common sense that, as we all know, is the least common of the senses. We look for since senses common, but quickie, which we don't have all day.

Related Companies or Entities

DMG Mori Ibérica, S.L.U.
Intermaher, S.A.

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