
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at I+D, R&D, F&E, cuestión de terminología

R & d, R & D, F & E, question of terminology

Ibon Linacisoro, Director15/09/2006
We are different and we will continue to remain so. Only 22 Spanish companies are in the European ranking of the 1,000 companies that invest more in research and development, a list that is copada by British societies (327), German (167), French (112), Swedish (81) and Finnish (70). However, investment in r & d of Spanish companies rose in 2005 an 11.7 percent, double that of the EU average, to 1,178 million euros. It is a humble opinion, but these figures are misleading. I.e., there are places where much, invests in agreement, but the results are rarely healthy. So for example, he surprised the news in this version of Don Quixote eaten. In fact, a copy of the work of Cervantes made with wheat flour and written with squid ink, was devoured by attending a party in Beijing. Someone spent money to investigate in the edible Quixote and this was dedicated to r & d investment. But there are many more examples of how to add in the theme of the r & d, for example making weapons that kill more and better, but with results of dubious profitability for human well-being, which is what we are going. Another example: someone has devoted time and money to a new plastic soy for the troughs of pigs. Before that no attentive, the news said troughs, not eating. I.e., it is not an invention aimed at many canteens of pigs we inhabit in the ball of the world. And now the news: a new bioplastic, based on soya oil and fiberglass, has been developed at the University of Iowa, to allocate it to the manufacture of troughs of pigs. The director of the project think that these bioplastics have a great future in commercial applications, due to its excellent mechanical and thermal properties and good capacity to return to its original shape when heated. And we have no doubt. Again, the subject has a deep interest, but... in short, to devote much effort to a pig trough, where it is known that pigs are pigs and feed on any site, because it might not be worth. But there they are, adding in the number of r & d, R & D, F & E. By the way, we are also different in this. While in English and German together with a & us with a +. Adding, always adding. But if we add both intangible and less on the measurable, it is because our research is more than walk home. Or someone believe that the time and money invested in achieving the Sangria, this invention that so many excellent evenings has provided to locals and tourists, ranks somewhere? No, here we are doing, we invented many things, but, simply, we don't call r & d to others. But the courage, imagination, flexibility and the art of the "tricks" we are not strangers, as it is not investment in further improving. It is a matter of terminology.

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