
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at No me toquen las bocinas

Do not touch me the horns

Ibon Linacisoro15/05/2007
Among the many indicators commonly accepted to take the temperature to social progress, well-being, the Horn is probably that most approximates the estimate to the harsh reality. One travels through Europe in the well-being and perceived silence, tranquility, there are cities with areas where the car is not the King. Yes, Yes, there are these cities. They are those who head the ranking of the good life, which allow to walk around the streets with children without danger of dying in the attempt, without fear of the heart caused by honking. There are also the cities of the speakers, in which no one hesitate to use them to greet, to say goodbye, so play children, as a replacement of an insult to the Cannibal that is has skipped a stop, or for which no has given us way taking us a stop... Finally, the Horn opens a world of possibilities in the non-verbal communication.

In Germany, that always has served example for all to the extent that is still today the "made in Germany" quality symbol, the speakers were already frowned, but they are much more from that some bugs that summers in Spain have tried inventing la siesta "made in Germany". German politicians made a couple of months ago a revolutionary proposal: that the custom of the siesta legalize in that country, as well as the DST. You do not know the undersigned if such an idea continues to be discussed or if it has been ruled out, but if approved, our country of speakers would be open to ridicule. Pioneers in this of the siesta, exporting the concept itself, and yet not having regularized that NAP after the beans. It always catches us del toro, we do not wake up or with speakers. Us they have anticipated and safe that now rules get them others, standardize the measures of the bed in which doze, the quality of the sheets, the hardness of the mattress and the pillow. And we, we know that the NAP falls on the couch with news, Tour or return to Spain on TV, will have to accept the NAP on a bed of 90 x 1, 90, 14: 30 to 15: 00. No honking. The speakers will be allowed from 15: 00 to 15: 15, on the way to work. Outside of that time, gentlemen, do not touch me the horns, the norm is for something and if in welfare countries regulate speakers and siestas, something will be.

Well thought out, however, it may be better further projecting that image of NAP, you speakers and Red summer, so that, while some want to transpose this way of life to their own meats, we continue with a GDP growth above all the "envied".


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