
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at El último de Audi y la barraca del tío Ramiro

The last of Audi and the cabin of Uncle Ramiro

Ibon Linacisoro, Director01/08/2006
A Chinese student discovered some years ago a worm that could solve the problem of pollution caused by plastics. The invertebrate unhappy, for which the contemplative life has come to an end, has an enzyme able to digest the plastic, a material that is not biodegradable, unless it is Yes. So we understand, the plastic is not biodegradable, but when it comes to a biodegradable plastic, is. To such worm he has ruined the bargain a Chinese student of 18 years, Chen Zhongguang calls the creature, who came to the conclusion that the yellow worms have a special enzyme which digests the plastic. Does and how it happened to Chen put to the test to the poor worm? He would eat plastic to everything that moves until you find the bug that it eats it? Chen noted small bites in the foam of the box where he kept the worms to feed their birds. The little angel separated the worms in two groups: one that only fueled with foam and the other with leaves and wheat. Chen saw that the worms that fed on foam though most and their droppings contained plastic remains, signal that had well digested the foam. That said, clear. Try to eat a 2 euro coin, to see where it goes... and how.

After a year of analysis and lab work, the students concluded that these worms possess certain enzyme able to digest the plastic. One already you are coming out $ symbols in the eyes. Just think about the money that you can win with a worm farm, receiving of plastic waste... Clear that arise the problem of the hez plastic, harmless when it's a worm, but very worrying when the worms make up troops.

But the case is that the case of the comeplástico worm is one of many that for sake of some, future farmers with worms in their charge, should be exploited to others, the poor gusanitos. Humans always want what has another and there is nothing more annoy, who see the latest model of Audi with the cabin of Uncle Ramiro, in the celebrations of his people. "I kill me work and see them, by mounting a barraca, looks at how buggy". And thus with the barrack of the Ramiro uncle, with the shop's sweets of the corner, with the workshop of the neighborhood and all that business, alien, of course, giving true well-being to their owners/workers. Chen wants an Audi as the uncle Ramiro, what you want. And when someone is launched to take art to the idea, the poor worm and those of their species will change their delicacies by the diet of the plastic. Practical, but somewhat insane.

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