
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at El cielo se cae en la Luna

The sky is falling on the Moon

Ibon Linacisoro, Director15/04/2006
We must not fear most the sky to fall on our heads. As the ancient warriors, willing to all, entrusting to the gods and fearlessly into battle, workers in the plastics industry, convinced that plastics can do for us, we go every day with the morning fog and the torpor of the body yet espabilar to the arduous task of taking a form of a material that comes in balls. In our vision of the world, the thing comes down to this... basically. But in other spaces of the universe do not have as simple as in the universe of plastics. Lunatics members suffering from the fall of the sky, the attacks of earthlings for research purposes and the earthlings with avidity of tourism without borders. "Every day, more than one metric ton meteorite strikes the Moon", says Bill Cooke of the Office of the environment on meteorites of the Marshall Center for space flight. Yes, literally, be they fall from the sky, in all shapes and sizes, from spots of dust of Comet to true asteroid, travelling up to 161,000 kilometers per hour. Already warns it Chicken Little in the movie. "The sky is falling, the sky is falling". No one believes him, but is, at least on the moon.

On the Moon without atmosphere, the meteorite hit the ground. So that you understand the earthlings, is as if it rain coffee in the field, as if it granizara sky, but with a density less, it is unlikely that a piece of Heaven you impact if you walk on the moon. But the fall of the sky raises existential questions even to the more sure of themselves. If that permanent coverage that is Heaven, which protects us from what exists beyond the sky, falls, falling everything. Where they pisarán our loved ones, those who are in heaven? It is there something beyond the sky? We should, no doubt, attack the problem before we have above, never rather, because if the lunatics have, it could happen here too, where tread on Earth. With the knowledge about plastics that we have and the current means of production, intelligent materials and the "savoir faire" in the industry, we have a bubble of PC or PMMA or whatever, that isolate the land of the rest. Thus, in addition, we avoid having to mingle with lunatics in the future. Who are our.

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