
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Jefe al agua

Head to the water

Ibon Linacisoro
In a small village in the United States, in the State of Washington, he found a tribe of irreducible who based all its defense in the power that gives them a secret magic potion. We do not know its ingredients, which is why is secret, but we know that some as many hours of work are essential. Also coexist with those who take the potion, those that baby fell into the magic potion of knowledge and permeated their innocent brains with a coating that gives them an infinite knowledge. Even though the external threats, the village continues happy and calm lives between trees and birds. It is like a perfect world where labour ranks first and everything else held debatable plazas in a ranking very little human. But there, in the geographical nucleus where Microsoft decides how to work the majority of which are facing every day with a computer, there are customs that come from far away in time. Some of them are very human and are related to the desire to have the head. You should the reader apologize this expression, but we think it is which is more in line with reality. Well, we said that these customs come out of the more primitive of the human being, of the irrational part that we all, of that "asks me the body", a desire that comes out of the soul and arrives at the extremities shield, without passing through the filter of the brain. It is supported, for example, pull the head to the Lake (Yes, Yes, have a Lake) If a project is completed before the deadline. They do not receive an award, or go on holiday to download tensions. No. They develop you the head of the arms and legs and throw you into the Lake, which, as it has no logic, do nothing but take for granted that, to the head, is desire. This led to other areas of life, so could do with a mayor, case that occurred an exceptional situation as it would be that a public work completed before the deadline. And so with everything and at all levels.

Productivity in Spain is a bit low if compared with that of other European neighbours, but yes it happens sometimes that things are completed before the deadline. Generalize this habit of extreme efficiency, we comenzaríamos with a new problem, especially in those areas of the Spanish territory where water is scarce. Imagine ponds, lakes, swamps, rivers, showing his cracked funds on which pose heads aching and muddy. Anything that a small percentage of the projects was completed ahead of time and that a small part of the population was choose by the "head - to water" system show tourists a lousy Spain. And it is not unreasonable. Now that the car industry has given us some good news, such as the Opel Meriva will be in Zaragoza, it seems obvious that some sites are able to demonstrate that they can improve the offer of a priori cheaper elsewhere. And from here to reduce the time limits is a step... and to finish ahead of schedule, another pasito and thus, gentlemen, all heads to water... that something be done to deserve it.

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