
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Un segundo para el olvido

A second for oblivion

Ibon Linacisoro, Director15/01/2007
2006 takes a second longer. In theory, one might think that each individual, each family unit, each company, each individual should have the freedom to this second where better come you. Today I would be better put a segundito in the morning, because I arrive late? It is not discussed more. Who prefer to holidays, to have a second? Without any problems. But no, the Royal Observatory of the Navy (ROA), in San Fernando (Cádiz), is the maintainer of Spain in the pattern of time and the daylight-saving time, and said that the new second was added in the first hour of the yearthat had 3.601 seconds in all Spain, less in the Canary Islands, where he was the last minute of 2005 which had a second longer. Not there has been much of this. They could have collected signatures or organized a referendum to see where to put the second. It does not matter. Nobody wants to have a second aboard, because we want only first. Collective agreements would have to look at the second extra in wage increases and, on the other hand, the second is a Word from the United States already comes with deterioration. A second is not a winner or, even more clear, a second is a loser and so agrees to hide him.

Fortunately we live in a country of first. Almost all are the first in something. Maquitec, for example, the first industrial Spain of 2005, not in time, but in volume and quality. It was an edition of transition, a hinge celebration from even-numbered years to the odd and although with notable absences among the exhibitors, the truth is that the sensations of visitors and exhibitors were rather better than expected by many.

Within a month we will be many in the BIEMH, in Bilbao. The sighted will have none of the imposition of the ROA and have distributed the second year or will even left for the machine tool biennial, because there it will need a segundito. If only to go out to smoke. It will be the first BIEHM where exhibitors and visitors of the first Spanish fair of machine tools must save a second to go up to the second floor, which is actually the first, and smoking on the street.

A second can be decisive, may be the first in the priorities of many. For example, download a second a production cycle. A big second, a second, however, being larger and more conceptually impossible (a second is a second and there are no large and small) does not want anyone. In the year of the second over, the second stayed in oblivion.

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