
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at El comandante Romerales

The Rosemary Commander

Ibon Linacisoro, Director15/06/2005
There is a curious anonymous voice that surprised every time that he decides to report on the status of the flight, the immediacy of the landing or any other issue in aircraft. It is the Rosemary Commander, who uses a surprising technique when arrives the time of the English: the talk but not say; explain quickly to facilitate a slow understanding. Rosemary, already say so openly, does not want to understand you. Do if not explain this trail of words loose in English that dazed passengers hardly captures, however sounding different from the Spanish language? The Rosemary Commander knows that three hissing eses and rare 4Rs creates the feeling of a well pronounced English, more taking into account that the PA system on board is certainly painful. But try to understand all of it. Three of every two messages, are incomprehensible. However, this philosophy which seeks the impossible from our partner understanding is not uncommon. How many times have we seen to phrases that say nothing, empty conferences or, simply, responses are not? In the magazine, the thing, sector, also exists. Plastic universal, as well as its associated portal, they have their circulation and their visits, respectively, controlled by the Office of broadcasting the justification, but would have been asked once to another journal, why they do not? It is simple, there are a few rules of the game and anyone who declares true runs should not fear an external control as the OJD. But after the question come Arabian explanations, type the of the Rosemary Commander aboard the plane. Moreover, we are dealing with the imminence of a new evil of our civilisation: it is the "evil of the Rosemary", which provides arrests to which suffers from and gives immunity from the embarrassment.

Gentlemen, if there is the whole world, women, and the blanquísimo white women; human beings and human not people, also there are some clear: clear.

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